Kelalaian Dalam Hubungan Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man
Kelalaian Dalam Hubungan Bruno Mars - When I Was Your Man

Kelalaian Dalam Hubungan Bruno Mars – When I Was Your Man

Lagu When I Was Your Man yang dinyanykan oleh Bruno Mars ini menceritakan tentang kelalaian seseorang dan penyesalan setelah hubungan yang dijalaninya tersebut selesai. Pada bait pertama, ia merasa ranjang mereka kini tampak lebih besar, menunjukkan kehampaan yang ia rasakan setelah pasangannya pergi.

Dikutip dari, ia merasa sangat hancur ketika mendengar lagu-lagu mereka di putar di radio atau ketika mendengar teman-temannya membicarakan tentang dirinya. Dia juga mengungkapkan bahwa dia terlalu muda dan naif untuk menyadari apa yang seharusnya dia lakukan. Dia menyesal tidak membelikan bunga untuk pasangannya, tidak menghabiskan waktu bersamanya dan tidak menghargai keinginannya untuk menari dan bersenang-senang.

Pada lagu ini dia menungkapkan penyesalannya, dia menyadari bahwa egoism dan kebutuhannya yang egois telah membuat wanita kuat dan baik hati seperti pasangannya.

Lirik Lagu Dari When I Was Your Man – Bruno Mars

Same bed but now feels a little bigger
Our song is on the radio but it doesn’t sound the same.
When our friends talk about you, all it does is make me sad
Because my heart breaks a little. When I hear your name.

It all sounds like oooooh…
Mmm, too young, too stupid to realize it.
That I should have bought you flowers
And hold your hand.

I should have given you all my time
When I have the chance
Take you to every party.
Because all you want to do is dance
Now my baby is dancing
But she danced with another man.

My pride. My ego my needs. And my selfish ways
Causing a good strong woman like you to leave my life.
Now I’ll never be able to clean up the mess I made, ohh…
And it haunts me every time I close my eyes.

It all sounds like oooooh…
Mmm, too young, too stupid to realize it
That I should have bought you flowers
And hold your hand

I should have given you all my time
When I have the chance
Take you to every party.
Because all you want to do is dance
Now my baby is dancing
But she danced with another man.

Even though it hurts
I’ll be the first to say I was wrong.
Oh, I know I’m probably too late
to try and apologize for my mistake
But I just want you to know.

I hope he buys you flowers
I hope he holds your hand.
Giving you all his time
When he had the chance.Take you to every party
Because I remember how much you love dancing
Do all the things I should do.
When I was your man
Do all the things I should do
When I was your man.

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